• On The Various Types Of Supernatural Entities & Manifestations

    On The Various Types Of Supernatural Entities & Manifestations

    The universe is a strange place. Here’s a list of the many supernatural manifestations and entities said to exist. Whether you believe these are cosmic anomalies, hallucinations, or tricks of light…well, I’ll leave that for you to decide. Types Of Manifestations Apparitions. The typical appearance of a ghost or other supernatural entity. Apparitions occur while […]

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  • Unquiet Graves

    Unquiet Graves

    Unquiet graves and famous ghosts including royal ghosts and hauntings. In modern day Britain we deny the existence of ghosts, yet at the same time we are afraid of them. Ghosts take many forms, from shackled skeletons clanking through graveyards to spectral balls of light smelling of sulphur, which have been reported on sites of ancient […]

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  • Why should we study the Paranormal?

    Why should we study the Paranormal?

    Science & Unusual experiences. Paranormal experiences should be studied due to the profound effects that these experiences / encounters have on individuals and in some cases, groups of people and witnesses. [Rendlesham forest UFO incident being a prime example]Such experiences can result in both positive and negative reactions, and can lead to significant changes in […]

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  • Can Psychological Phenomenon Explain Alien Abductions?

    Can Psychological Phenomenon Explain Alien Abductions?

    My short answer here is `no ‘and this is my explanation:We have to answer questions in relation to the balance of probability.E.G. Is it reasonable to assume that Extra-terrestrial intelligences exist.If yes, is it reasonable to assume that they have contacted us and visited our planet?If yes, how could they determine our origins and could […]

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  • The Crop Circle Phenomena.

    The Crop Circle Phenomena.

    Although images of crop circles have diminished in recent years, [at least in this country] the subject still remains a phenomenon and continues to divide opinions to this day. The British media first became aware of this extraordinary phenomenon back in the early 1980s. Farmers began to notice strange markings appearing in their fields. Some […]

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