My short answer here is `no ‘and this is my explanation:
We have to answer questions in relation to the balance of probability.
E.G. Is it reasonable to assume that Extra-terrestrial intelligences exist.
If yes, is it reasonable to assume that they have contacted us and visited our planet?
If yes, how could they determine our origins and could they harvest our DNA for their own research?
If the answer to these questions is in the affirmative, and in spite of the perceived disinterest of the scientific communities, it is reasonable to assume that they may wish to investigate how we function as a species, possibly by abduction.
However, when I consider the concept of alleged alien abductions, I fully accept that there will likely be false claims which can be explained by means of false memory syndrome, or possibly by a traumatic childhood experience.
I have studied the UFO phenomenon for 40 years and despite some claims to the contrary, I am firmly of the belief that there is considerable evidence to support the theory that Earth has been [and continues to be] visited by non-human entities. Therefore, genuine abduction claims seem credible.
Part of my research into this phenomenon has included analysing the case involving Betty and Barney Hill [which I will cover in detail at a later date].
This double abduction allegedly occurred in September 1961. This was the first `modern day` abduction claim which involved hypnosis by a psychiatrist.
My research suggests that this was a genuine case.
Roger Mallett
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