What Is a Starseed’s True Meaning? Defining Characteristics and Types.

If ever you’ve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing star system, you might be feeling your soul’s connection to a past life or future self. Given that human bodies come from stardust and have been infused with divine light, you might feel this connection deeply in your bones. Is this an illusion? Or are you born from a distant star, a true descendant of a faraway light body or planet, a Starseed?
After hundreds of years of analysis and, lately, more precise evaluation, it’s estimated that there are over 10 billion galaxies in the known universe. Many say that there are over 100 billion stars in The Milky Way, our home galaxy.
When you piece that together in an equation, it looks something like this:
10,000,000,000 X 100,000,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 STARS!
That’s 1 billion-trillion stars in the observable universe. While that number is massive, imagine the billions of realms and planets that are hidden from view. Imagine the distances we have yet to travel. Consider the possibility that time does not exist and that all matter changes or expands in each moment. Could it be that the number of stars, galaxies, planets, and realms is dynamic, and therefore, incalculable? This would make your birth on planet Earth either a planned event, a pre-birth choice, or a happenstance.
When we wonder about our origins, we might consider that Earth is one of many experiments during a time when collaborations of extraterrestrial races seeded stars and planets to grow new worlds. When we die and then choose to reincarnate, it seems we have many options. As amorphous, traveling souls, we not only have this planet to consider, but many others throughout the billions of galaxies, realms, and universes and within many continuums of spacetime. It’s in this way that our souls may have been birthed a thousand times in a thousand different galaxies. We might also be living simultaneous, co-joined lives in a variety of places and within several spacetime platforms.
Earth is an evolving, stable, three-dimensional planet with an equal balance of physical and angelic experiences. Because of this, millions of Starseed may have chosen to live among us, hoping to serve or benefit from our style of vulnerability, Earth’s karmic cycles of rebirth, and our planet’s continual expansion.
How Did Humans Source Information On Starseeds?
The concept of Starseeds comes to us through channelers and seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records. These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime. While much of this information is relatively easy to channel and comprehend, there are several perspectives on how Starseeds come to Earth and the many types of Starseeds.
What Is A Starseed?
According to the channelers, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings from other planets and realms who possess spiritual and scientific knowledge that dates back hundreds of thousands of years. It seems that while most Starseeds are benevolent beings who seek to help all living beings throughout all realms and universes, some Starseeds seek to control interplanetary resources for the benefit of their home planets.
Most agree that Starseeds are traveling souls from other planets who incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings and to participate in the planet’s evolution. It’s also possible that these Starseeds are physical descendants of aliens from other worlds, who traveled to Earth to be our planet’s lightworkers.
Starseeds might also have been birthed through inter-consciousness conception or virgin births, akin to the stories about Jesus. Another possibility is that any soul can become a Starseed when another Starseed infuses the soul with intentional light. This can occur when souls are in utero or at any other point in their lives.
Regardless, it seems that Starseeds do exist in one form or another. We might never know which Starseed concepts are closest to the truth.
Read More – What Is a Starseed’s True Meaning? Defining Characteristics and Types.
Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From?
Does your soul hail from another planet or star system? If so, you’re a starseed. But did you know there are different types of starseeds depending on origins? Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each.
Many Types of Starseeds
As you read through each type of starseed and its common traits, keep in mind these traits vary by person. It’s likely you’ve even lived in more than one of these star systems and have picked up traits from a few of those lives. Don’t forget that this list isn’t a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. If a specific type resonates with you, it’s likely this is what type you are! Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. This will help you figure out which type of starseed you are.
1. Orion Starseeds
Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. There are numerous beings from the Orion constellation that migrated there from other star systems. So if you’re an Orion starseed, you’ve probably incarnated in other star systems before Orion. However, Orion might be the incarnation you’ve had more recently before your earthly one. There are different planets/stars in the Orion constellation you might’ve lived on.
Mintaka was a paradise planet, covered by sparkly, diamond-like waters. Some believe whales and dolphins come from the seas of Mintaka originally. Mintaka is no longer in existence. Below we cover Mintakan starseed traits AND Orion starseed traits (which would be anyone from elsewhere in the Orion constellation).
Mintakan Signs and Traits:
- strongly drawn to the water element, you love all things about the ocean, beach, and bodies of water
- intense connection with whales and dolphins
- dreams of swimming or living near lakes and oceans so sparkly they look filled with diamonds
- strong desire to “ascend” spiritually and help others too
- you’re a compassionate person and get pleasure from helping others
- high levels of sensitivity to other beings: potentially empathic
Orion Starseed Traits:
- scientific beings – you’ll be interested and intrigued in all things science, chemistry, astronomy, genetics, etc.
- very intelligent and mostly driven by mentality
- mental but not emotional beings: here to learn how to love and experience emotions
- great sense of humor, can be the life of the party
- optimistic
- opinionated individuals who don’t sway on their perspective easily
- “jack of all trades”: they have knowledge about a lot of different topics
- are self-controlled
- may come off as cold emotionally (often unintentionally)
Read More – Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From?
What Is A Starseed & How To Know If You’re One
A starseed is a soul that has reincarnated on Earth. Born from the stars, a starseed has lived lifetimes in other galaxies as well. They carry special wisdom within them, one that is deep and divine. They don’t necessarily belong here.
You have probably been dubbed as an old soul within your circle of friends. You can’t exactly pinpoint why, but deep down you agree.
You feel like you’ve seen everything, like you’ve lived a few other lifetimes.
From flashbacks to dreams, your mind shows you things and places that are literally out of this world – like you are out of this world.
Could you be a starseed?
What is a Starseed?
Starseeds are summoned to the Earth to fulfill a divine mission of bringing light to it. They help other people complete their spiritual evolution.

Most of the starseeds don’t even know that they are one. What they do know however is that they do not belong here.
There is this overarching emotion that they do not vibe with everyone. They operate on a deeper scale, which makes it difficult for them to find the same wavelength from other people.
They feel like they are always the odd ones out.
Because of this, starseeds may have grown up to be isolated or left out. They are often called the ‘weird’ or the ‘eccentric’ ones.
Young starseeds may think that maybe they really are just different, but as they grow into adulthood they will always find a way to realize that they are called to a higher purpose.
10 Signs That You Are A Starseed
Now that you know what is a starseed, the next step is to find out if you are one of them.
#1 You Feel Like You Don’t Belong Here
As mentioned, starseeds always feel like they do not belong to this world. If you feel like you have always been different and this place is not your home, you are probably a starseed.

One common thing about starseeds is that you are homesick for a place that you can’t even describe. You have a deep yearning to explore, in hopes that you will find the place where you would feel at home.
However, since you are born from the stars, you have to realize that your home is not the Earth.
You are a visitor, called upon to shed light to those who need it. In essence, you are a star who has come down to share her shine.
#2 You Are Highly Sensitive
A starseed can pick up a vibe as soon as you enter the room. You are naturally aware if there is tension in the air.
People can’t hide their true emotions from you. You don’t even need words to confirm. Your high level of awareness energy is enough to know what is going on.
As a result, you become an extension of the energy around you. You easily absorb everything. The news may stress you out more than other people. Too much socialization can wear you out as well. Why?
Because you carry the energies of every person you interact with. This is one of your special gifts. You just need to know when to withdraw so that you don’t get overwhelmed.
#3 You Experience Vivid Dreams
As a starseed, your dream life is probably a roller coaster ride. You dream vividly, so you experience everything as if they were real.

There were probably times when you woke up crying because of your dream. This is because your soul hyper-experiences things beyond the physical realm.
Starseeds have psychic abilities. This is why it is very important for you to take note of your dream patterns.
Your dreams can be used as a gateway by the Divine to send messages or signs that will help you fulfill your purpose even better.
#4 You Like Being Of Help To Other People
If you’re still wondering what is a starseed like, remember all the times you have helped other people. Can’t count them?
It’s because being of service to other people is written all over the DNA of a starseed. Yes, that’s a starseed for you.
No matter how much you try to say no, you just have this inner desire to serve other people.
A word of caution for starseeds: remember that being kind and being a pushover are two different things.
While helping other people is your nature, watch out for those who will abuse your special gift. Avoid these types of people.