• Were the Moon Landings Faked?

    Were the Moon Landings Faked?

    One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Neil Armstrong The immortal words spoken by Neil Armstrong as he set foot on the surface of the moon in July 1969, or did he?Ever since this major event was shown on screens all over the world, a growing number of the American population suggested […]

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  • The Roswell UFO Incident

    The Roswell UFO Incident

    Of all the sightings, incidents and reports concerning the UFOphenomenon, the Roswell Incident must be one of the mostcontroversial.Many ufologists, scientists, and researchers believe the U.S.government knew at the beginning what happened that day in NewMexico, and so began one of the biggest UFO cover-ups in history.A strange unidentified craft was seen over the desert […]

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