Category: UFO

  • The Secret Network Of UFO Research Bases Under Rudloe Manor

    The Secret Network Of UFO Research Bases Under Rudloe Manor

    Allegations of underground bases housing UFO technology, even aliens, are not new to the majority of people. While most of us, perhaps due to the Hollywood conditioning effect, will think of these bases to be somewhere in the deserts of the United States (which some undoubtedly are) they are, if…

  • The UFO Sightings that Pushed the UK to Take ‘Flying Saucers’ More Seriously

    The UFO Sightings that Pushed the UK to Take ‘Flying Saucers’ More Seriously

    The incidents interrupted Exercise Mainbrace, a massive set of NATO war-game maneuvers. In late September 1952, only months after a rash of “flying saucer” sightings over Washington, D.C. made headlines around the world, dozens of military officers participating in NATO exercises in the North Atlantic were struck by their own…

  • UFOs Go Mainstream

    UFOs Go Mainstream

    If we want another social disrupter in this “Year of Chaos,” the full public disclosure that UFOs are real would do the job. We saw UFOs go mainstream last year as Congress started openly interrogating people over their involvement with UFOs or their knowledge of people or departments involved with…

  • Majestic 12: Is This Legendary UFO Conspiracy U.S. Air Force Disinformation? (VIDEO)

    Majestic 12: Is This Legendary UFO Conspiracy U.S. Air Force Disinformation? (VIDEO)

    Majestic 12 is the name of an alleged organization created by President Truman to manage UFO and extraterrestrial investigations and maintaining strict secrecy in these areas. Many believe they have gone so far as to kill to keep secrets regarding interactions with the U.S. government and extraterrestrial civilizations. Majestic 12…

  • Ancient Indian Aircraft (Vimana) Technology

    Ancient Indian Aircraft (Vimana) Technology

    Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact.While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps Governmental Military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India and Atlantis.What we know about ancient Indian aircraft or flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian…

  • Can Psychological Phenomenon Explain Alien Abductions?

    Can Psychological Phenomenon Explain Alien Abductions?

    My short answer here is `no ‘and this is my explanation:We have to answer questions in relation to the balance of probability.E.G. Is it reasonable to assume that Extra-terrestrial intelligences exist.If yes, is it reasonable to assume that they have contacted us and visited our planet?If yes, how could they…

  • The Crop Circle Phenomena.

    The Crop Circle Phenomena.

    Although images of crop circles have diminished in recent years, [at least in this country] the subject still remains a phenomenon and continues to divide opinions to this day. The British media first became aware of this extraordinary phenomenon back in the early 1980s. Farmers began to notice strange markings…

  • The Roswell UFO Incident

    The Roswell UFO Incident

    Of all the sightings, incidents and reports concerning the UFOphenomenon, the Roswell Incident must be one of the mostcontroversial.Many ufologists, scientists, and researchers believe the U.S.government knew at the beginning what happened that day in NewMexico, and so began one of the biggest UFO cover-ups in history.A strange unidentified craft…