If we want another social disrupter in this “Year of Chaos,” the full public disclosure that UFOs are real would do the job. We saw UFOs go mainstream last year as Congress started openly interrogating people over their involvement with UFOs or their knowledge of people or departments involved with them. One story in the news today summarizes how many members of Congress are convinced the deep state has been hiding evidence from Congress for decades. Here’s a rundown of the story, which is included in the headlines at the end of this editorial:
Newly declassified documents reveal that two of our nation’s most senior senators in recent years were/are convinced the U.S. government secretly retrieved exotic craft of “non-human” origin. Senator Chuck Schumer and the late Sen. Harry Reid have had bipartisan support from a number of other high-level senators over the years for their inquiries into what is being hidden about UFOs by the intel. agencies/military departments of the US government. Some of those ranking senators claim to have observed UFOs directly.
None of the government people named in the article, who believed their own government was hiding UFO secrets, were lightweights. The list is a who’s who of powerhouses in Congress who, even with their political clout have not been able to unclasp the doors said to guard this secret knowledge. While the story reads like a giant conspiracy theory for The X-files, most of it is now congressional record, while the interest in forcing those locked doors open has intensified. The problem is not lacking the power to force doors open but finding the doors that need to be opened. The documents, in other words, read like congressional facts.
Back in 2011, then-Senator Jospeh Lieberman, chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, met with a high-level scientist in the Dept. of Homeland Security to establish an ultra-secret UFO program. Today’s newly released congressional documents outline in detail how the program’s purpose was to gain access to UFO “inventory” held by various departments of the US government and then to experiment on that inventory in order to backward engineer it.
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