Do you believe that except all those physics theories, there are natural time portals on Earth, right here near to us?
First of all lets talk generally about time portals. Is it science fiction only? No! NASA proved that portals that connect different universes, different time lines really exist. The only problem is just how to find them. but now there is a solution and the researchers at the university of Iowa have finally found it.
What are these portals exactly?
They are some places where the magnetic field of our planet connects to the magnetic field of our Sun and are named x-points. They create a path to the Sun’s atmosphere, 93 million miles away. But where are these portals located? They are located actually where the geomagnetic field meets the solar wind, tens of thousands of Kilometres away. They open and close many times every day. Portals can have different sizes, from very small, to very big. Scientists said that these portals to other dimensions transfer huge amount of magnetically charged particles.
Jack Scouter, a plasma physicist claims that these portals are unstable, they open and close without any sign and they are invisible so you cannot see them and it is a problem to find them. But, Scouter found a solution to this problem, he found a way to detect these x points. So here I will tell you his words.
“In the late 90s NASA ‘s Polar space craft spent years in earth’s magnetosphere and it encountered many x -points during its mission. Using Polar data we have found five simple combinations of magnetic field and energetic particle measurements that tell us when we ‘ve come across to an x-point or an electron diffusion region. A single spacecraft, properly instrumented, can make these measurements’.
David Sibeck, a space physicist of the Goddard Space Flight Center, said that ten years ago he would certainly believed that portals didn’t exist, but now the evidence is too obvious .
In March 2015, NASA launched this MMS mission to study the time portals and the results were amazing. Opening and closing many times they allow their energy particles to move from the Sun to Earth.
Time Portals Right Here On Earth
It is not a secret anymore. Portals are hidden in our magnetic field and there are a few places that could be time gates to the unknown. One of them is the Sedona Vortexes also called The Doorway To The Gods.
Sedona, a small place in Arizona, was for the natives of one of the most sacred city and was called once Nawanda.
Vortexes, portals in time to other dimensions are created by the Red Rocks from the desert and natives believe that they are spiritually charged. In them mountains a stone arch is called ‘Doorway Of The Gods’ and strange sounds were heard in Arizona’s desert coming from the stones. If you want to hear a story about this place here it is.
It was in 1950 when a native tribes man told to a group of treasure hunters a legend dating from 1800 when three ancestors of his tribe discovered the archway, and when one of them tried to go through this, he disappeared. The other two frightened thinking that was a sacred land left. He also told them that he himself saw a strange thing at the gate., While riding in the desert, a strange storm, grey clouds came from nowhere. He wanted to leave but he saw that through the arch the sky was blue and clear. He went closer and he saw the that mountain was the same, just the sky was different. Anyway, scared he turned and left for home.
This is one strange story that may have some truth inside.
Another place with the ability to transport people to other dimensions, maybe other timelines, other universes is located in
Egypt, Abu Ghurab named and The Place Of The Gods.
The Abu Ghurab’s pyramids are one of the oldest sites on the earth. There is an ancient platform made from Egyptian crystal, alabaster. It is said to open a way for a person to communicate to the higher energy of the Universe. It is actually a Star Gate and the sacred energy are the gods named Neters. There are legends about how they could travel from their home (Pleides Star System) to our Earth on a wave of sound. Proof that these legends may be true and signs of advanced technology used are the perfectly circular and very precise markings drilled into the crystal.

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