Category: parallel Universes
Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality
Introduction Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by about 17% of those who nearly die.1 NDEs have been reported by children, adults, scientists, physicians, priests, ministers, among the religious and atheists, and from countries throughout the world. While no two NDEs are the same, there are characteristic features that are commonly observed…
The planets that never were.
There has long been a theory that at least some UFOs are craft from one or more alien planets. But which planets? Decades ago it was possible to speculate about Mars and Venus being habitable worlds, but the discoveries of the space age have shown Venus to be a hellish…
‘Alien Abduction Has Been Thumping Against the Floorboards Of The UFO Controversy 60 Years’
At home on the range with Robert Hastings, UFO abductees “Extraterrestrials are kidnapping human beings in order to harvest sperm and ova and create a new species. Their subjects/victims descend from previously abducted family members in a timeline that spans generations. How and why certain families are targeted remains a mystery.“…
Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon: A mysterious mindboggling connection
It is possible that Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon are mysteriously connected? Most of us have had, at least once in our lifetime a ‘déjà vu’ experience, that mysterious feeling where time seems to pass by in slow-motion, where you perceive information in such a way as if…
Warp Drives Are Possible and Aliens May Already Be Using Them, Scientists Say
If we track explosions from malfunctioning warp drives, we could finally discover where E.T.s are hiding. f a warp drive explodes in deep space, will anybody hear it? Probably not, but new research suggests that humans could one day detect the ripples in spacetime such a catastrophe would create, potentially aiding the…
Your Consciousness Can Enter Alternate Dimensions While You’re Dreaming, Scientist Claims
Strong emotions in repetitive dreams could offer cosmic clues about another version of you, according to this controversial idea. How many times have you woken up feeling euphoric or deeply disturbed by a dream so vivid it felt indistinguishable from reality? The kind of dream that lingers. Perhaps you notice…
Black Holes Could Be Back Doors to Other Universes, Scientist Claims
If true, this theory could explain how all of the matter in our universe was created. SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE are ravenous black holes that pull gas, dust, light and even other black holes into their maw, never to be seen again. Like a riptide pulling swimmers out to sea, the…
Your Consciousness Can Connect With the Whole Universe, Groundbreaking New Research Suggests
This latest clue about the architecture of consciousness supports a Nobel-Prize winner’s theory about how quantum physics works in your brain. A RECENT GROUNDBREAKING EXPERIMENT in which anesthesia was administered to rats has convinced scientists that tiny structures in the rodents’ brains are responsible for the experience of consciousness. To pull…
Is this boy holding an iPad in 1941? Internet explodes with time travel theories
Synopsis A 1941 photograph taken by Edwin Rosskam has sparked online debate, with some believing it shows a boy holding an Apple iPad, suggesting time travel. Skeptics argue the object is likely a book or notepad. The image has also prompted reflections on the fashion of the era. A seemingly…
Wormholes Could be Portals to Other Universes—Here’s What One Might Look Like
Representative image of a black hole. iStock Wormholes are theoretical objects that could serve as portals between two points in space and time. Some believe they could even act as passageways to other universes. But if one did exist, what would it look like? Roman Konoplya, a theoretical physicist with the…