The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you have much more freedom in manipulating energy. This increased freedom may mean that a nonphysical person can have seemingly superhuman powers and abilities; but, in actuality, that nonphysical person is just using modes of operation that are native to that environment. For example, disappearing from one place and reappearing in another is a normal occurrence on the nonphysical; however it would turn quite a few heads in the physical. Put simply, your physical body and the physical matter in the physical universe is just too compact for such a manoeuvre.

Below are the various levels or planes contained in and around the Earth. These planes are arranged from most dense (physical) to the least dense (spiritual).

In reality each of these planes exist one on top of the other. It is merely the focus of your consciousness that determines what plane you are aware of at any given time. It’s like a radio. Coming into the radio are all the channels at once. The tuning knob determines which one of the many stations you are going to listen to. With these planes of existence your consciousness is that tuning knob and right now it is tuned into the physical station. Let’s continue with the basic understanding of the nonphysical universe and examine each of these planes individually.

The Physical Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Events are ordered by tine.
– Space Maintains constant structure.
– A physical type universe.

The densest plane is the physical plane. Here matter is as solid as it can get. The energetic structure of this plane only allows particles to travel up to the speed of light, but not passed it. This environment is the one you are presently in. You are most familiar with the physical plane on a conscious level.

The Etheric Plane
– Energy is limited to the speed of light.
– Objects and things are solid.
– Time is not entirely consistent here.
– Space is not entirely consistent here.
– A nonphysical type universe.

Going from bottom up, in decreasing density, brings us to the etheric plane. This plane just qualifies as a nonphysical universe because time and space begin to be inconsistent here. If you were standing in the etheric plane and looking at the room, you may notice that the chair you threw out yesterday is still here, and the chair you will buy tomorrow is here as well. The room may also be larger, smaller, or even reversed. You see! The room alters its properties and both chairs exist simultaneously because time and space are beginning to show their true fluid-like natures. However despite its apparent freedom from the constraints of time and space, the etheric plane remains governed by many of the rules of a physical universe. Due to its close proximity to the physical plane, objects are still solid in nature, and energy is still limited to the speed of light. The true freedom of a nonphysical environment can only be seen above the etheric level.

The Astral Plane
– Energy travels beyond the speed of light but is still limited.
– Objects and things are NOT solid.
– Non-time ordering of events. Events ordered by emotions.
– Space constantly changes. no consistency.
– A nonphysical type universe.

Read More – The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe


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