Paradigm Research Group
2/26/2023 – The “caretaker government option” was not taken, of course. A botched version was attemped much too late, and now the nation lives with consequences. To the credit of many the Disclosure process continued and now nears culmination. Truth has power lies, hate, corruption and incompetence can but envy.]
November 3, 2018
Washington, DC — Paradigm Research Group has released a report regarding the current status of the Disclosure movement along with a projection of how PRG expects the political leadership in Congress will resolve the ongoing constitutional crisis.
Disclosure Status Report: The Way Forward
Disclosure is an event, the formal acknowledgement by heads of state of nations of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The Truth Embargo is the refusal of governments, particularly the United States, to make such an acknowledgement. This embargo is entering its eighth decade.
The activist effort to end the Truth Embargo is an “exopolitical” movement. Exopolitics occurs when extraterrestrial presence related issues cross paths with traditional politics. This has happened on numerous occasions since 1947 usually resulting in suppression of the Disclosure process. However, since 2001 the intersection between traditional politics and exopolitics has intensified. Here are some examples:
(1947) A quickly executed political decision by President Truman to reverse the announcement out of the Roswell Army Airfield of a recovered “saucer” literally prevented Disclosure from taking place in 1947.
(1953) Subsequent to the CIA Robertson Panel President Eisenhower signed off on committing significant resources to formalizing the Truth Embargo.
(1958) The National Aeronautics and Space Act creating a civilian agency decreed NASA must assign any and all matters impacting national security to the Department of Defense. This protected the Truth Embargo from any NASA extraterrestrial related findings.
(1966) U. S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee Hearing on Unidentified Flying Objects was held in service to a powerful politician – House Minority Leader and later President Gerald Ford (much like the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was created in 2007 in service to a powerful politician – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid). Witnesses were limited to three members of the Air Force. The hearing was conducted to serve the Truth Embargo.
(1968) U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics Unidentified Flying Objects Symposium was held in response to growing public pressure and was part of a complex process intended to pull the government out of the “UFO” issue. This included the soon to be released Condon Committee Report, the shutting down of Project Blue Book and the dismantling of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP).
(1977) President Carter attempted to engage the extraterrestrial presence issue by initiating a White House study. The military/intelligence complex made a political decision to thwart this study. First to refuse to cooperate was CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Eventually a report titled The UFO Enigma was written by Marcia S. Smith and delivered to President Carter.
(1987) President Ronald Reagan raises the prospect of an “alien threat” in an address to the United Nations. This reference is made on several other occasions and is thought to be tied to the failed Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) implying another basis for the SDI.
(1947-1991) A matrix of political decisions by several countries led to the Cold War and nuclear arms race, which set the Truth Embargo in stone for 44 years.
(1993) President Bill Clinton’s administration was drawn into the extraterrestrial presence issue by Laurance Rockefeller. This was the most positive exopolitical development up to that time. Political decisions were made by the Air Force and the Department of Defense to block Clinton and the Rockefeller Initiative, which was closed down for political reasons just prior to the 1996 election.
(2001) The Disclosure Project held a major press conference in the main ballroom of the National Press Club on May 9, 2001. Testimony from dozens of witnesses was presented in person and on video. Significant momentum was developing around the activist movement. This abruptly ended with the events of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent political decisions to enter into a series of wars in the Middle East.
(1967 – 2010) A national security based political decision was made to ignore and deny evidence and testimony regarding perhaps the most significant and telling events for an extraterrestrial presence – nuclear weapons tampering in the presence of antigravitic craft of unknown origin.
(2013) Twelve years to the month after the 2001 Disclosure Project press conference Paradigm Research Group produced a mock congressional hearing, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, in the main ballroom of the National Press Club from April 29 to May 3. Six former members of Congress heard 30 hours of testimony from 42 witnesses over five days.
(2014) Paradigm Research Group launched a political initiative targeting presidential candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton and her connection to the extraterrestrial presence issue going back to the Rockefeller Initiative. Hundreds of mainstream media print articles were generated forcing the Clinton political team (Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, John Podesta and President Obama) to address the extraterrestrial issue a dozen times during the campaign. Paradigm Research Group was convinced an elected Hillary Clinton fully intended to be the Disclosure President soon after taking office. This prospect ended with the election outcome.
(2017) The To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS) was formally announced on October 11. This very significant project was developed during 2015/2016 and likely scheduled for launch just prior to or just after the 2016 election. The election outcome required some reorganization and a new timeline.
(2018) As of this white paper the Disclosure movement has been significantly hampered for two years by the national political status – a constitutional crisis. Further progress to end the Truth Embargo will be limited until this crisis is resolved.
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