Category: Science

  • Automatic Writing Explained

    Automatic Writing Explained

    The so-called skeptics assume that the automatic writing form of mediumship is just so much bunk, baloney, and bosh, nothing more than the imagination playing tricks on the person.  Some parapsychologists believe it is all coming from the individual’s subconscious and unrelated to spirits.  But so much of what has…

  • Abuse of Power in a Past Life Yields Poverty and Illness in the Present Life

    Abuse of Power in a Past Life Yields Poverty and Illness in the Present Life

    [] He lay on a bench, with his eyes closed and his mind calm like still water. His consciousness entered a state similar to that of a meditative state in the Buddha School. When given the name of a stranger even more than a thousand miles away, this man, once…

  • Some Classic Cases of Reincarnation

    Some Classic Cases of Reincarnation

    We have already referred to the ongoing reincarnation research of Dr. Ian Stevenson, which has tended to focus mainly on evidence based on reincarnation memories in young children. More recently, Dr. Stevenson has also begun to explore what he calls the relationship between biology and reincarnation. Birthmark reincarnation evidence is especially prevalent…

  • When are we really dead? New study sheds light

    When are we really dead? New study sheds light

    Many people who have had near-death experiences report that their “life flashed before their eyes.”Trusted Source However, of course, it is impossible to determine if people experience this phenomenon routinely when they die. Health experts commonly consider that clinical death occurs at the moment the heart stops beating, but little is known…

  • 15 Real Near Death Experiences That Will Haunt Your Dreams Tonight

    15 Real Near Death Experiences That Will Haunt Your Dreams Tonight

    There are people on Earth who had some of the world’s most amazing near death experiences in life. Their revelations will probably scare you or they may enlighten your soul. From Christianity to Hinduism and Buddhism, life after death is experienced by many people. Many of us always ask questions…

  • Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality

    Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality

    Introduction Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by about 17% of those who nearly die.1 NDEs have been reported by children, adults, scientists, physicians, priests, ministers, among the religious and atheists, and from countries throughout the world. While no two NDEs are the same, there are characteristic features that are commonly observed…

  • 8 Lessons of the Afterlife from a Near-Death Survivor

    8 Lessons of the Afterlife from a Near-Death Survivor

    What happens when we die? This is a question I have been asking myself a lot lately. While I have always had some understanding of the afterlife and spirit realms, I had been feeling the urge to learn more and understand life, death and the realms in between. I have read many…

  • Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Adapting to an “exceptional experience.” One of the biggest mysteries in life is what happens after death. Humans have been trying to find the answer since man realized that death meant someone was gone forever. But where do we go—or do we go anywhere? Over the years, hundreds of books…

  • Archaeologists uncover secret ‘passage to the underworld’ at Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan

    Archaeologists uncover secret ‘passage to the underworld’ at Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan

    The mystery surrounding the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico continues to unfold after archaeologists found a hidden tunnel beneath the Pyramid of the Moon that they believe was built to represent the “passage to the underworld.” Over 2000 years ago in 300 BC, Mesoamerican peoples began to develop larger…

  • NASA Astronauts confirm that UFOs do exist

    NASA Astronauts confirm that UFOs do exist

    YouTube Video Here: Many of us have seen once in a while something in the sky that we cannot explain. A mysterious light at night that changes direction drastically, something that resembles a star but moves awkwardly across the sky, something that doesn’t look like an airplane or helicopter. But…