• What if reincarnation is true?

    What if reincarnation is true?

    Let’s assume for a moment that reincarnation is not just a theory, but actually happens. This means that whether we believe in reincarnation or not becomes irrelevant. Reincarnation is then regarded simply as a universal principle relating to life, birth and death — a principle much the same as the law of gravity or the law […]

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  • Operation Saucer: The Official Search For UFOs That Attacked Brazilians With ‘Light Beams’ In 1977

    Operation Saucer: The Official Search For UFOs That Attacked Brazilians With ‘Light Beams’ In 1977

    While alien hunters concentrate their energies on pictures from Mars or the top secret Area 51 base in Nevada, an island in central America was the location of a spate of UFO sightings that was officially investigated by Brazilian officials. ‘Operation Saucer’ was an investigation into a terrifying series of reported incidents in 1977 where […]

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  • Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513

    Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513

    On September 4, 1954, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 departed from Aachen, West Germany, destined for Porto Alegre, Brazil. The flight should have taken around 18 hours. Instead, it took 35 years. On October 12, 1989, without any contact with air traffic controllers, Santiago Flight 513 was spotted circling the Porto Alegre airport, where it eventually […]

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  • The Real History of Giants Living on Earth

    The Real History of Giants Living on Earth

    Humans have long expressed a fascination and fear around the question, “Were there giants on Earth?” Whether in legends or life, giants have been worshipped, reviled, ostracized, and celebrated. While the existence of dinosaurs is largely accepted, and millions of people travel across continents to marvel at majestic, larger-than-life monuments, the facts about human giants […]

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  • The Failed Reptilian Agenda

    The Failed Reptilian Agenda

    Here is one for conspiracy theorists and truth seekers. This further proves vaccines are the “mark of the beast”. Reptilians, aka Archons (eye on top of the pyramid of matrix control system), originally had planned to implant 90% of humanity via vaccines and then electrocute majority while enslaving the rest, and taking the planet for themselves. Thankfully […]

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