Here is one for conspiracy theorists and truth seekers. This further proves vaccines are the “mark of the beast”. Reptilians, aka Archons (eye on top of the pyramid of matrix control system), originally had planned to implant 90% of humanity via vaccines and then electrocute majority while enslaving the rest, and taking the planet for themselves. Thankfully they were removed back in 2013, which was originally predicted for 21 December 2012.I will share first an Excerpt from book “The Body Snatchers” where reptilian revealed their plans and later a channeling concerning their removal, I can confirm both the info in this book and the validity of the channeling based on my own personal experience, I served as reptilian host nearly two decades of my life.
Author of this book was killed one year after publishing the book, you can do the research, here’s Excerpt from The Body Snatchers:
Grand Strategy of the Reptilian Overlords. Ettish (reptilian) stated that depopulation, a microchipped population, the debt burden upon the public and scientifically induced malnutrition just to name a few, are all designed by the reptilians to ensure control of the surface population.
Ettish says the reptilians ultimate goal is to take over the planet and to turn the surviving humans into slaves. Ettish claims the reptilians have very large invisible space stations in orbit above the Earth. As with many claims made by reptilians and other non-human races, we must practice discernment and not accept everything at face value. There is no way anyone outside of the deep black military industrial complex and intelligence community can confirm the existence of these large invisible reptilian space stations. (During the 1950s however, the late Donald Keyhoe learned from his sources in the Pentagon that there were immense alien space ships in Low Earth Orbit above the planet.) These concepts and ideas are spawned by the interdimensional reptilians and through the “hive consciousness” and in some cases direct telepathic communication, reptilian human hybrids in key positions within the government and scientific community are directed to implement these changes. Ettish discussed the significance of baby’s milk formula and how the alterations in milk have contributed to the diminished brain power of humans. Ettish stated that scientists who refuse to go along with the various programs designed to oppress the human race are eliminated. Ettish described the progression from the microchipped “smart card” which will contain all of our personal information, to the subdermal microchip implant. He says the public will be manipulated into believing that pin numbers are easily stolen and that the only way to make our personal banking, medical and court information secure is by accepting the microchip implant.
The Global Elite’s plan to cull the Earth’s human population by at least 80% is a documented fact. Notorious rep hybrid Henry Kissinger stated this fiendish desire in a State Department memo. We have already seen the bitter fruit of this longstanding agenda in the form of designer wars, designer plagues, a medical and pharmaceutical industry that kills countless people, genetically modified food that makes people ill and a global financial system that impoverishes and starves millions of people. Ettish spoke at some length of the plan to depopulate the human population. Ettish is very matter of fact in his descriptions of the reptilian agenda and its malign influence on the human race. Perhaps the most important revelation from Ettish was the existence of a “Spirit Capturing Net” which was created by the reptilians. The spiritual net is designed to capture the spirits of people with a high vibrational frequency. This is a preemptive proactive effort by the reptilians to disrupt the Life Path of potentially troublesome people.
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