8 Lessons of the Afterlife from a Near-Death Survivor

What happens when we die?

This is a question I have been asking myself a lot lately. While I have always had some understanding of the afterlife and spirit realms, I had been feeling the urge to learn more and understand life, death and the realms in between.

I have read many near death experiences, with one of my favourites being from Anita Moorjani, who shared the details in her book- “Dying to Be Me”. But I wanted more, I wanted to understand things on a deeper level.

Of course, as soon as I put my intention out into the Universe, I came across Cherie Aimée, who was willing to share her near death experience with me.

What interested me the most about Cherie’s story was that it was not all filled with angels and harps. There is a lot more going on in the afterlife than we can even begin to comprehend.

In fact, there are really no words to even describe a lot of Cherie’s experience, which is why it is hard to piece it together in a way that is really concrete and easy to understand.

It is also interesting to note that every near death experience is going to be different depending on the person and what they need to see, learn and experience.

While there are definitely some core themes in all near death stories, it seems that even in the afterlife, our perception of things is different and based on our own personal experiences.

Cherie and I spoke for nearly 2 hours on all things relating to her experience in the afterlife.

You can read about her full experience in the book, God’s Fingerprints (Cherie’s story appears in Chapter 8), but here are my top 8 takeaways from our discussion-

1.) Dying is Easy 

The moment Cherie left her body, she said she felt surprised how easy it was. In her words, the process was as simple as walking through a doorway. It was easy, painless and instantly she felt like she had nothing to fear.

In fact, years of conditioning around being afraid or fearful of death melted away, and she reported feeling light, free and completely blissed out.

For Cherie, after she crossed over she saw herself in this ball of white light which felt comfortable, loving and very safe. She felt herself floating around in this ball of white light feeling formless and connected to everything.

2.) Death is Not the End

While floating in this beautiful, formless state Cherie understood that death was definitely not the end. She still felt very much “alive” but just in a different way. She wanted to communicate to her family that she was still around and that she still felt very connected to them.

While she wasn’t there physically, she was very much present with them and knew that the relationship she shared with each of her family members and friends would continue to grow and develop even in the afterlife.

3.) There is no Space or Time 

According to doctors, Cherie flatlined for over 90 minutes. After this, Cherie was kept alive only by a life support machine. While her situation was critical for many days, during her travels in the afterlife, Cherie felt like she was gone from the human world for many years. In her mind, it was like she had been away for a very long time.

Cherie said that in the afterlife there was no time and no space. This is very difficult for us to understand from this earthly realm, but everything felt expansive and time could not be measured like we do on earth.

4.) Communication is all Telepathic 

After moving through the white light, Cherie found herself surrounded by six higher beings all dressed in black. She felt very comforted and loved by these beings and knew they were there to help her, but they just seemed to be standing there.

Cherie instinctively knew that they were communicating telepathically, but she had to learn how to quiet and still her mind in order to hear them. While it was easy for her to do this, she still had to learn this new form of communication.

(Yes, it seems that even in the afterlife we still need to learn how to still and quiet our minds!!!)

Once she had learned how to keep her mind still, she was able to hear the beings asking her if she wanted to continue or go back to earth.

Read More – 8 Lessons of the Afterlife from a Near-Death Survivor


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