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When all is said and done there is ample evidence that certain aspects of the UFO phenomenon are largely repeatable – that they happen over and over again, making it a mixed cocktail of deja vu. It is a situation that is so bizarre yet prevalent that it deserves serious study. Such a study is now at hand, and it’s an in-depth one that proves there are certain “coincidental” aspects of the phenomenon that cannot be overlooked.
Are UFOs just a matter of nuts-and-bolts ships from another galaxy? Travelers of the universe who accidentally stumbled on to Earth and decided to make a mysterious, secretive kind of contact with our small planet’s inhabitants? Can we sum up the flying saucers as an invasion continually poised to happen – but that never quite manifests itself in real world terms that no one can deny?
This may be the prevailing view for some people who have never ventured to investigate the UFO phenomenon more deeply than a smirking story on the evening news or a documentary on cable TV that focuses its efforts on providing scientific “proof” of the alien presence on Earth. Real believers often concede that such evidence still hasn’t been obtained, but also point to the high strangeness of witness testimony that, when taken at face value, paints a verbal picture more bizarre than any cluster of lights captured on a cell phone could possibly do.
So it is that Timothy Green Beckley, the publisher, editor and writer who heads Global Communications/Inner Light Books, has issued yet another lengthy tome on the paranormal and repeating aspects of the UFO phenomenon. This one is called “UFOs deja vu: Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters, Alien Portals and Vortexes to Other Dimensions.” The title comes from the famous joke by Baseball Hall-of-Fame catcher Yogi Berra, who once commented that back-to-back home runs by Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris in the 1960s were like experiencing “deja vu all over again!”
“In less colorful lingo,” Beckley writes, “deja vu means that one has lived through a situation before, whether it is in reference to walking down a street you ‘know’ you have never walked down previously but are doing it again, or sighting a UFO in pretty much the same locale over and over, as though it is wedged in the same spot in space. In French, the words mean ‘seen before.’”
Meanwhile, the title’s reference to alien portals and vortexes to other dimensions also focuses on things outside the realm of nuts-and-bolts Ufology.
“There is something more decisively paranormal about UFOs,” Beckley writes, “that makes the topic much more complex and more difficult to prove. It circumvents normalcy, and so you must call in the supernatural, like it or not.”
To explain more about alien portals and vortexes, Beckley brings in his “in-house” psychic Maria D’Andrea, who sees the portals and vortexes as part of her working routine. She says that we should simplify the two words to mean “doorways.”
“Shamans and psychics use vortexes and portals all the time,” Maria writes. “It’s more or less how we get around. Going through and exiting on the other side is our method for seeing what’s going on within these other realms. Sometimes we visit portals of our own free will, other times they just open up without warning.”
Once, while walking in the mountains in Pennsylvania, Maria heard a sound she likened to a “soft wind,” and part of the landscape in front of her disappeared. Stars and planets became visible, as if she was floating in space.
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