The Spirit World: What is it like? (Part II)

American clergyman Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) is said to have communicated through the mediumship of Marcella De Cou Hicks (1888-1942), author of the book titled Eternal Verities, providing some indications as to what the afterworld is like.  Much of what Beecher (below) had to communicate was recorded in the January 10, 1940 issue of “The Psychic Observer” and was set forth in my blog of September 9, 2024. The Psychic Observer article was continued in its January 25, 1940 issue, which I could not find.  Thanks to David Chilstrom for providing the article from that issue. This blog quotes part of that issue.  The final part will follow in a future blog. 

The Spirit World Explained

“Now MAN is essentially SPIRIT wherever he may be and however he may be expressing himself.  Man, on the earth plane, is immortal spirit expressing himself in a physical body, enduring the hampering circumstances, the limitations, the hindrances of the flesh. The earth and its environs constitute an elementary testing laboratory of spirit in which spirit-man works on the alchemy of that attribute known as character. And on passing out of mortality the spirit-soul gravitates to that spirit group and into that spirit phase to which his earth life has adapted his vibration rate.

“The second plane of spirit life is in and all about the earth itself, not in some remote part of space.  It has no definite boundaries in the sense of being separated or divided off from other planes. It gradually merges into other phases.  I might say it has boundaries in the sense that your states have boundary lines.  One does not see them as he travels from state to state and is not conscious of any change in landscape. Nevertheless what may be permitted and lawful in one state may not be permitted or lawful in another.  Likewise each and every phase of spirit life has certain privileges and certain taboos. For instance those inhabiting the realms of darkness may not, and cannot, visit the higher phases and mingle with the dwellers therein.

“Because even in its lowest aspects the conditions of the second plane vibrate with so much greater velocity than matter or substance, its habitants and environment are invisible to human sight and can only be seen through clairvoyant vision. Also, because of vibratory velocity the second plane can coexist in the same place as matter and not interfere with, or be interfered with, by substance.”

Spirit Progression

“This statement raises a question in your mind, doesn’t it.  Well, consider this fact – in the cubic content of your living room, for instance, there can exist at one and the same time air, light, heat, and or, sound.  These elements can and do occupy the same space at the same time due to the fact that their differing vibration velocities do not interfere with each other. Moreover, none of these elements are any more visible to the human eye than spirit is visible. So you see that since spirit conditions vibrate with even greater velocity than these intangibles, they can coexist with substance.

“When a spirit-soul tells you that he has progressed to the third, four, or fifth plane, he must mean – of the first sphere of the first zone of which earth itself is the first plane.  Because any spirit-soul qualified to work in any plane of the second sphere will probably have lost all desire to contact mortality and its problems.  Unless he be one of the Great Mentors – and the rank and file do not contact such. They come only to earth who has been charged ‘from the high’ with a great mission.

“One must pass through all the planes of all the spheres of all the zones before he can take up extra-cycle work but he need not go through all the phases of all the planes.  The system may be compared to the regime that obtains in school and college courses of earth.  In order to graduate one must make certain points but he need not take every subject in the curriculum.  Some subjects are required and others are elective.  Also, one may ‘skip a grade’ and after graduation, if he chooses, he may return for a post-graduate work.”

Read More – The Spirit World: What is it like? (Part II)


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