The Haunted Painting – Ghosts Reveal Themselves in Birmingham Artwork

Next time you pay a visit to a thrift shop, think twice about what you are taking home with you. You may be getting a hidden addition with your purchases in the form of an unwelcome guest and I’m not talking about bed bugs. Whilst most people are familiar with the concept of a place being haunted, fewer people are aware that objects can also play host to a ghost. Dolls, beds, musical instruments, mirrors, jewellery and even clothes have all been reported as haunted over the years, with paranormal activity following the object, rather than remaining fixed at a particular location.

In 2017, the Birmingham Mail covered a curious story involving a painting that had been traumatizing its viewers for years. The little known art work had attracted the attention of the publication following dozens of reports of paranormal activity associated with it. Not much was known of the history of the painting, but in recent times it had attracted a fierce reputation for extreme creepiness. 

The painting is an unassuming landscape, depicting a square castle tower or fortification. The ancient building is shown next to a shallow-looking river surrounded with large jagged rocks. In the background there are rolling green hills and a light blue sky, partially filled by a heavy looking cloud. It looks like the painting is a water colour, possibly dating from the late Victorian period.

The first known owner purchased the painting secondhand from a shop near Wolverhampton. Within days of taking it into her home, inexplicable activity began to occur around it. It would regularly de-mount itself from the wall and fall to the floor, regardless of how meticulously it was fixed in place. Worst still, it absolutely terrified the new owner’s children, who claimed that they could see people climbing out of it. Even the family’s pet dog was said to act apprehensively around it.

Alarmed by the impact the object was having on her family’s well-being, the owner decided to donate the painting to a friend. This friend happened to be one of the UK’s leading paranormal researchers, Philip Solomon. Speaking to the Birmingham Mail, Solomon explained that the painting had an unnerving quality about it, so he quickly got it off his hands, selling it to a secondhand shop in the Birmingham area. However, it wasn’t long before the painting was back with him. The new owner had experienced a series of strange events following her acquisition of the artwork. She even claimed that one of her shop’s customers had fainted from terror after closely studying the image.

According to Solomon, different people report seeing different images when viewing the painting. Some have claimed to see a Viking warrior, whilst others see a moving Gypsy caravan. The children of the first known owner went as far as to claim that people were trying to climb out of the painting. The inconsistent nature of what is seen suggests that the artwork is in fact a conduit for paranormal activity, rather than a vessel for a single ghost.

Read More – The Haunted Painting – Ghosts Reveal Themselves in Birmingham Artwork


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