The 10 Most Legitimate Cases of U.F.O. Sightings

History doesn’t believe or disbelieve in UFOs. There are a handful of UFO sightings documented by Roman historians from around 2,000 years ago, but they seem about as credible as the existence of Zeus. More than 95 percent of all UFO sightings can be easily dismissed as military aircraft, stars, planets, meteors, flares, weather balloons and manmade hoaxes. The remaining five percent make governors, pilots, military officials and other sane and credible people rub their eyes and scratch their heads in disbelief. Despite all attempts to be rational, some flying objects haven’t been properly identified. Here is our list of the 10 most legitimate UFO sightings.


  1. Hudson Valley UFO Wave
  2. Shag Harbour UFO incident
  3. Westall UFO
  4. Anchorage, Alaska
  5. Chicago O’Hare International Airport
  6. Alderney UFO Sighting
  7. The Belgian UFO Wave
  8. Cash-Landrum Incident
  9. Rendlesham Forest Incident
  10. The Phoenix Lights

Read More – The 10 Most Legitimate Cases of U.F.O. Sightings


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