Scrying, also known by the names of hydromancy, crystal gazing and oculomancy, is the ancient art of revelation.
Traditionally, scrying has been portrayed through the popular image of the psychic gazing over her crystal ball. But scrying, like all esoteric practices, is not about “seeing the future.” The future can’t be seen, it can only be speculated based on present moment information.
The word “scrying” actually comes from the Old English word descry which means “to make out dimly” or “to reveal.” Therefore, scrying is about revealing the unseen through the use of our in-born second sight. Second sight is our capacity to see things that can’t usually be perceived through our five senses.
Scrying was first mentioned in the 10th Century in an Ancient Persian text called the “Shahnameh.” Later, as Christianity rose to power, scrying was outlawed as a work of the “devil.” And yet almost every culture has used some form of scrying: from the Native American’s observation of smoke, to the Egyptians use of oil gazing to gain wisdom. These days, scrying has largely evolved into a pagan practice. But you don’t have to be pagan to experiment with it.
Scrying helps us to get in touch with our unconscious minds: the realm of the soul. As such, it can be used as a powerful form of self-understanding and psychoanalysis. If you’re struggling to find direction, meaning or purpose in life, scrying could be a wonderful way to get in touch with your core needs, dreams and goals.
Usually, scrying is performed with the use of a reflective surface, such as a mirror, water or crystal globe. However, there are many other forms. Here are nine common types:
Wax – This is done by dripping wax onto a water surface. The scryer then interprets the images or words formed from the dried wax.
Cloud – Also called cloud gazing, this form of scrying involves observing clouds and the shapes they form. This is used to gather special information or knowledge.
Mirror – This is perhaps the most popular form of scrying. Also called catoptromancy, this involves relaxing your vision and staring into a mirror. After a while, images and scenes will begin to emerge.
Water – Staring into water, images can be perceived after a time. Objects such as pebbles can also be dropped into the water to create ripples. These ripples are then interpreted.
Oil – This form of scrying can involve pouring oil into a dish, rubbing it on the body, or coating a cup/plate. The scryer then observes the light reflected off the oil for information.
Fire – Possibly the most ancient form of scrying, this type of scrying involves gazing into fiery flames for visions. This can be done through the use of a simple candle or oil lamp. Bonus points if it’s a bonfire!
Smoke – As smoke rises from fire, its ethereal shapes present spiritual messages.
Crystal – This is the stereotypical form of scrying, but nonetheless very effective. It involves the use of a crystal object (usually a ball or globe) to gather special meaning.
Eye – This is unusual! Also called soul gazing, this form of scrying involves looking deep within a person’s eyes and observing the reflections.
As we can see, we’ve practiced unknowingly many types of scrying in childhood and throughout our adult lives!
Read More – Scrying: How to Practice the Ancient Art of Second Sight.
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