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About psychical researchers

Scientific approaches to researching psychical and other paranormal phenomena began in the mid-nineteenth century. At this time, spiritualism was spreading rapidly across the US and Europe.

Séance-room phenomena such as materializations and levitations appeared to violate the laws of physics and this attracted the interest of several eminent scientists, including Michael Faraday and Sir William Crookes.

In 1882, a number of Britain’s leading scientists and scholars founded the Society for Psychical Research with the aim of promoting scientific investigation of spiritualist and other seemingly paranormal phenomena.

For many years, the majority of psychical researchers continued with investigations of spiritualist mediums and spontaneous phenomena. However, in the 1930s, because of the difficulty of ensuring properly controlled studies in these areas, J.B. Rhine pioneered the use of more formal laboratory-based procedures to investigate the psychic abilities of ordinary people.

Rhine worked in the psychology department at Duke University and he chose the term ‘parapsychology’ for his experimental approach, to distinguish it from traditional psychical research.

While research into mediumship and spontaneous cases continues, and is especially popular among amateur groups, many of today’s professional researchers have been trained in laboratory-based parapsychological methods.

With few exceptions, parapsychology and psychical research have been poorly supported by universities and funding bodies. As a result, the number of professionals researchers in the field remains small. The Parapsychological Association is the leading international professional body. It has a membership of around 300.

Notable researchers

Alvarado, Carlos S. (1955-2021)

Carlos Alvarado PhD was a parapsychologist on the faculty of Atlantic University and the University of Virginia. His research focussed on surveys of psychic experiences and on the history of psychical research. He was a past President (1995; 2002-2003) of the Parapsychological Association.

Auerbach, Loyd

Loyd Auerbach is a parapsychologist, mentalist, ghost hunter, and writer on paranormal topics.

Baker, Ian

Ian Baker PhD is a Lecturer in Psychology and parapsychologist at the University of Derby. His research has focussed on research into remote staring. He was formerly Editor of the European Journal of Parapsychology.

Barrett, William Fletcher (1844-1925)

Sir William Barrett FRS was an English physicist and one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research. He carried out early research on thought transference, Mesmerism, poltergeists and dowsing.

Barrington, Mary Rose (1926-2020)

Mary Rose Barrington was a British parapsychologist specializing in the investigation of spontaneous cases. She was a Vice-President of the Society for Psychical Research.

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