For over a century, Porton Down has been the headquarters for Britain’s chemical and biological weapons programs. During that 100 years, the scientists at the facility have murdered, maimed, and silenced countless humans during experiments akin to those committed in the death camps of Nazi Germany. Now, as the Fourth Industrial Revolution begins to kick…
The Toxic Secret Experiments on Millions of British People
For over a century, Porton Down has been the headquarters for Britain’s chemical and biological weapons programs. During that 100 years, the scientists at the facility have murdered, maimed, and silenced countless humans during experiments akin to those committed in the death camps of Nazi Germany. Now, as the Fourth Industrial Revolution begins to kick into gear, we should all take account of the past disasters and demand a different, more positive, future.

I’m going to tell you a lot of information that you should already know. However, when one starts researching the subject of this investigation, Porton Down’s chemical and biological weapons programs, one will soon realise that so much of the information has been carefully managed by entities in the employ of the UK Ministry of Defence. Porton Down scientists have been responsible for the murder of UK citizens, they have committed mass indiscriminate human experimentation with toxic materials, they’ve been responsible for miscarriages, premature deaths, birth defects, and ill health of almost every description. The organisation has ignored chemical weapons conventions, worked on offensive chemical weapons in secret, and have launched widespread chemical attacks on the British people from aircraft, auto-mobiles, and ships. Their publicized mission at one point: to see if they could spray the entire country with toxic chemicals in just a few hours. This out of control facility has never been truly reigned in, or held to account for their past actions, with survivors of their human experimentation left to die in secret, with no support, no compensation for their injuries, and not even any acknowledgment.
The history of Porton Down is truly shocking and we will look at the events the facility doesn’t want you to know about, rather than issues like Anthrax Island, and some other of the more stage managed attempts to change their reputation via gimmicky trickery and positive photo ops. This is the story of how, amongst other things, the UK’s chemical and biological weapons organisation, Porton Down, organised the systematic, repeated, and long term poisoning of tens of millions of British people with a toxic carcinogen with terrifying and wide reaching health implications. This is the history of Porton Down’s reckless use of chemical and biological weapons.
The Early History of Porton Down’s Chemical Weapons Use
The first modern chemical weapons use on the battlefields of Europe were by French forces during the opening campaigns of World War I. They would launch hand and rifle grenades which contained the tear gases ethyl bromoacetate and chloroacetone on troops which arguably opened up the use of, and legitimised the growing trend of using, chemical gases in open warfare as an offensive weapon. Germany’s earliest recorded use of chemical weapons during World War I happened on 27 October 1914, where they dropped shells containing the irritant dianisidine chlorosulfonate on British troops entrenched near Neuve-Chapelle, France. In January 1915, German artillery shells containing the irritant, xylyl bromide, would be fired at Russian troops in what is now Poland.
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