Is it possible to study ghosts & apparitions?

If we are considering studying from a scientific perspective based on hypothesis and replication, then we will certainly be facing major issues.

A considerable number of anomalous experiences are subjective, deeply personal, and meaningful to the individual. Scientific observations and studies do not generally include `pseudoscientific` theories. Therefore, the study of ghosts and apparitions is unlikely to register on the scientific radar.

As we read on page 18 of the key text: `Investigation is therefore in reality the study of second-hand and secondary sources of information`. There may of course be a small area of the scientific community who show an interest in these experiences and case studies, but as we read on page 19: `Spontaneous case study is often seen as a sure route to career suicide for scientific researchers`.

Let us now consider the statement from another perspective: In the publication `A Natural History of Ghosts` by Roger Clarke, he discusses several varieties of ghosts identified by Peter Underwood. His classification of ghosts include:

1] Elementals:  These are a type of conscious entity that is closely associated with a specific place or location, possibly residual.

2] Poltergeists:  Unlike most ghosts, they have the ability to throw things and otherwise move objects in the physical world.

3] Historical ghosts including:   Anne Boleyn, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin.

4] Mental implant manifestations:  Images or energies left over from a particular event, often a tragedy such as a murder or execution.

5] Time slips:  In which a living person suddenly finds themselves in the company of ghostly shapes, from a bygone era.

6] Haunted inanimate objects:  Non-living things that are able to move, or otherwise act or cause misfortune on their own.

How do we know all this? Because of investigation and research undertaken by Peter Underwood, and many others. Peter Underwood stated: “I have long thought that 98% of reported hauntings have a natural and mundane explanation, but it’s the other 2% that have interested me”.

So, in reference to the original statement, I believe that ghosts and apparitions can indeed be studied. It simply depends on our approach and method.

Roger Mallett


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