Category: Paranormal

  • Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens And “Apparitions”?

    Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens And “Apparitions”?

    For centuries, the Vatican has been carefully guarding their most precious secrets.  In recent years, that has been especially true regarding what they know about UFOs, aliens and the mysteries of the universe.  So why have they chosen this exact moment in history to publicly talk about these things?  The…

  • What is the issue with the scientific community and its relevance to the study of parapsychological phenomena?

    What is the issue with the scientific community and its relevance to the study of parapsychological phenomena?

    One of the problems with science, in my opinion, is that it has a boundary which it is reluctant to breach. If we label something as a law or a theory, then we are assigning a boundary to our knowledge, and I believe this to be a dangerous precedence. We…

  • The Different Types of Ghosts.

    The Different Types of Ghosts.

    In over half a century devoted to the study of ghosts, the people who see them, where and when they are seen, there is one thing we are totally certain of, and that is that there are many kinds of ghosts, although sometimes one type intermingles with another type and…

  • Is there a connection between psychic fraud and magic?

    Is there a connection between psychic fraud and magic?

    Psychic fraud is used to display an array of alleged psychic abilities. This can happen on a one-to-one basis, group, or stage setting. Alleged abilities can include hidden fake examples of fortune telling, clairvoyance, mediumship, and others. Psychic fraud is used primarily for personal gain [not necessarily financial], and to…

  • Ancient Indian Aircraft (Vimana) Technology

    Ancient Indian Aircraft (Vimana) Technology

    Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact.While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps Governmental Military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India and Atlantis.What we know about ancient Indian aircraft or flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian…

  • What are some of the difficulties of scientific parapsychological research?

    What are some of the difficulties of scientific parapsychological research?

    Roger Mallett In this posting, I will use Extra-Sensory Perception [ESP] as an example to highlight some of the difficulties in relation to scientific research and laboratory investigations. There are two main concerns here, replicability and expectancy effects: There appears to be little scientific evidence which would suggest that ESP…

  • Crystal Skulls History

    Crystal Skulls History

    Key Moments In Crystal Skulls HistoryIn The Last 300 Years The history of crystal skulls remains somewhat of a mystery, but new information keeps coming to light. Crystal Skull Explorer Joshua Shapiro provides the following crystal skull history timeline as recorded in his 2004-5 Crystal Skull Explorers ebook 18th Century Early 1700’s : A Monk…

  • Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Adapting to an “exceptional experience.” One of the biggest mysteries in life is what happens after death. Humans have been trying to find the answer since man realized that death meant someone was gone forever. But where do we go—or do we go anywhere? Over the years, hundreds of books…

  • Extrasensory Perception [ESP]

    Extrasensory Perception [ESP]

    Extrasensory perception—ESP—is defined by parapsychologists as the acquisition by a human or animal mind of information it could not have received by normal, sensory means. Some researchers, however, take issue with the term “extrasensory perception.” They protest that the phenomena may not be “perception” at all, as the receiver of…

  • Physicists probe the paranormal

    Physicists probe the paranormal

    “The question of whether paranormal phenomena actually exist probably divides educated members of modern Western civilization as sharply as any other single issue. If it is true that the human brain can receive messages and control things in ways that cannot be explained normally, then this undermines the belief of…