Category: Ghosts

  • The Enfield Poltergeist

    The Enfield Poltergeist

    Ghosts tend to be associated with ancient castles and grand mansions – imposing old buildings which are far removed from the kind of place where most of us live.The story of the Enfield poltergeist demonstrates that the paranormal can emerge anywhere however even in semi-detached council houses in north London.…

  • Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?

    Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?

    (Image credit: © Michal Bednarek | “No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood for eighty…

  • Knowing if you are dead or not

    Knowing if you are dead or not

    There have been numerous messages and signs from the spirit world indicating that many spirits are slow in recognizing that they are “dead,” some floundering in an “earthbound” stupor for a long time, however time is measured in that realm. This phenomenon was popularized in the hit movie, The Sixth Sense,…

  • Is it possible to study ghosts & apparitions?

    Is it possible to study ghosts & apparitions?

    If we are considering studying from a scientific perspective based on hypothesis and replication, then we will certainly be facing major issues. A considerable number of anomalous experiences are subjective, deeply personal, and meaningful to the individual. Scientific observations and studies do not generally include `pseudoscientific` theories. Therefore, the study…

  • History of Ghost Stories

    History of Ghost Stories

    Since ancient times, ghost stories—tales of spirits who return from the dead to haunt the places they left behind—have figured prominently in the folklore of many cultures around the world. A rich subset of these tales involve historical figures ranging from queens and politicians to writers and gangsters, many of…

  • Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens And “Apparitions”?

    Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens And “Apparitions”?

    For centuries, the Vatican has been carefully guarding their most precious secrets.  In recent years, that has been especially true regarding what they know about UFOs, aliens and the mysteries of the universe.  So why have they chosen this exact moment in history to publicly talk about these things?  The…

  • The Different Types of Ghosts.

    The Different Types of Ghosts.

    In over half a century devoted to the study of ghosts, the people who see them, where and when they are seen, there is one thing we are totally certain of, and that is that there are many kinds of ghosts, although sometimes one type intermingles with another type and…

  • Can “possession” be explained without the concept of devils or demons taking control of people?

    Can “possession” be explained without the concept of devils or demons taking control of people?

    There has been a suggestion that there may be a psychological element involved in the “possession” explanation of human beings, including dissociative identity disorder [DID] The `Psychology Today` website provides the following definition: `DID is a rare condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states are present…

  • The Horrific History of Witch Trials in England

    The Horrific History of Witch Trials in England

    In the 16th and 17th centuries suspicion of witchcraft was at its height. In England and other nations across Europe there were trials and executions of suspected witches, including in Oxford. Hundreds died in England as a result. THE BEGINNING The first law relating to witchcraft in England was not introduced until…

  • On The Various Types Of Supernatural Entities & Manifestations

    On The Various Types Of Supernatural Entities & Manifestations

    The universe is a strange place. Here’s a list of the many supernatural manifestations and entities said to exist. Whether you believe these are cosmic anomalies, hallucinations, or tricks of light…well, I’ll leave that for you to decide. Types Of Manifestations Apparitions. The typical appearance of a ghost or other…