Category: Paranormal

  • Quantum Physics Suggests That Death Doesn’t Exist And It Is Probably Just An Illusion

    Quantum Physics Suggests That Death Doesn’t Exist And It Is Probably Just An Illusion

    Man has been curious in what occurs after death since the dawn of time. Of course, there are many conventional responses to this query, but researchers may have just added an endless number of additional hypotheses, just to mix things up. Death is simply a portal to an infinite number…

  • What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    Have you ever been reading or watching TV when suddenly, in the periphery of your vision, you catch glimpse of what appears to be a shadowy figure in the room with you? Dark, humanoid figures like these are commonly known as shadow people, and they can be extremely scary and…

  • Scientist Reports on 10 Years of Research with Mediums

    Scientist Reports on 10 Years of Research with Mediums

    In the epigraph heading up Chapter 1 of a recently released e-book, Among Mediums,  Professor James Hyslop, a dedicated psychologist and psychical researcher of a century ago, is quoted as asking, in effect, why science aimed at discovering man’s origin is considered so honorable while science aimed at determining where man…

  • Zecharia Sitchin and Our Alien Ancestors

    Zecharia Sitchin and Our Alien Ancestors

    Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) studied Economics at the University of London and was best known for his fringe theories on the origins of Earth and man-kinds celestial ancestry (alien ancestry). According to his official website,, he is “one of few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian…

  • Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extra-terrestrials:

    Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extra-terrestrials:

    The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact? Research Study #8, Revised February 12, 2004;first published January 28, 2004, (c) Michael E. Salla, PhD ABSTRACT On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was…

  • The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you have much more freedom in manipulating energy. This…

  • The Mysterious Tale Of The Green Children Of Woolpit

    The Mysterious Tale Of The Green Children Of Woolpit

    There could be a far sadder story behind the mystery of the green-skinned children of Woolpit. The children were reportedly found with a very nervous disposition, unsurprisingly. Image credit: Randolph Caldecott via Wikimedia Commons (public domain) / IFLScience Unlike the very real, very blue, family of Troublesome Creek, Kentucky, the story of the…

  • The Mysterious Nazca Lines

    The Mysterious Nazca Lines

    The Nazca Lines are a collection of giant geoglyphs—designs or motifs etched into the ground—located in the Peruvian coastal plain about 250 miles (400 kilometers) south of Lima, Peru. Created by the ancient Nazca culture in South America, and depicting various plants, animals, and shapes, the 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines can…

  • The Enfield Poltergeist

    The Enfield Poltergeist

    Ghosts tend to be associated with ancient castles and grand mansions – imposing old buildings which are far removed from the kind of place where most of us live.The story of the Enfield poltergeist demonstrates that the paranormal can emerge anywhere however even in semi-detached council houses in north London.…

  • Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?

    Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?

    (Image credit: © Michal Bednarek | “No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood for eighty…