Category: Near Death Experience

  • The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you…

  • Knowing if you are dead or not

    Knowing if you are dead or not

    There have been numerous messages and signs from the spirit world indicating that many spirits are slow in recognizing that they are “dead,” some floundering in an “earthbound” stupor for a long time, however time is measured in that realm. This phenomenon was popularized in the hit movie, The Sixth Sense,…

  • Is it possible to study ghosts & apparitions?

    Is it possible to study ghosts & apparitions?

    If we are considering studying from a scientific perspective based on hypothesis and replication, then we will certainly be facing major issues. A considerable number of anomalous experiences are subjective, deeply personal, and meaningful to the individual. Scientific observations and studies do not generally include `pseudoscientific` theories. Therefore, the study…

  • Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine

    Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine

    Sam Parnia practices resuscitation medicine. In other words, he helps bring people back from the dead — and some return with stories. Their tales could help save lives, and even change scientific ideas about the nature of consciousness. SAM PARNIA PRACTICES resuscitation medicine. In other words, he helps bring people back…

  • Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Aftereffects of the Near Death Experience

    Adapting to an “exceptional experience.” One of the biggest mysteries in life is what happens after death. Humans have been trying to find the answer since man realized that death meant someone was gone forever. But where do we go—or do we go anywhere? Over the years, hundreds of books…