Category: ESP

  • 6 Differences Between Psychic and Medium Readers

    6 Differences Between Psychic and Medium Readers

    According to religious, the ability to get in touch with spirits and entities is something divine that can be developed through study and dedication. Science also seeks to understand the phenomenon, considered innate to all human beings. Have you ever felt like you were being watched, but when you turned…

  • What Are Zener Cards?

    What Are Zener Cards?

    Karl Zener tried for years to remove his name from the cards that would forever be associated with ESP testing. In this episode of Homespun Haints, we go into the history of these strange cards and talk in-depth about the lengthy (and oft hilarious) research that went into psychical phenomena…

  • Brian Josephson: merging physics and the paranormal

    Brian Josephson: merging physics and the paranormal

    A newspaper photograph taken in 1973, showing a jubilant Brian Josephson after learning he had won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Credit: PA Images via Getty Images In 1962, Brian Josephson, a 22-year-old graduate student at England’s Cambridge University, born on January 4, 1940, in Cardiff, Wales, predicted that electrical…

  • Physicists probe the paranormal

    Physicists probe the paranormal

    “The question of whether paranormal phenomena actually exist probably divides educated members of modern Western civilization as sharply as any other single issue. If it is true that the human brain can receive messages and control things in ways that cannot be explained normally, then this undermines the belief of…