Category: demonic possession

  • What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    Have you ever been reading or watching TV when suddenly, in the periphery of your vision, you catch glimpse of what appears to be a shadowy figure in the room with you? Dark, humanoid figures like these are commonly known as shadow people, and they can be extremely scary and…

  • The Enfield Poltergeist

    The Enfield Poltergeist

    Ghosts tend to be associated with ancient castles and grand mansions – imposing old buildings which are far removed from the kind of place where most of us live.The story of the Enfield poltergeist demonstrates that the paranormal can emerge anywhere however even in semi-detached council houses in north London.…

  • Werewolves


    Werewolves are wolf like people that exist in mythology and folklore. They are also known as lycanthropes – a human that can transform into a wolf. The idea of werewolves dates all the way back to the ancient Greeks. It was the medieval writer Gervase of Tilbury that associated the…

  • The Different Types of Ghosts.

    The Different Types of Ghosts.

    In over half a century devoted to the study of ghosts, the people who see them, where and when they are seen, there is one thing we are totally certain of, and that is that there are many kinds of ghosts, although sometimes one type intermingles with another type and…

  • Can “possession” be explained without the concept of devils or demons taking control of people?

    Can “possession” be explained without the concept of devils or demons taking control of people?

    There has been a suggestion that there may be a psychological element involved in the “possession” explanation of human beings, including dissociative identity disorder [DID] The `Psychology Today` website provides the following definition: `DID is a rare condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states are present…