Author: Roger

  • Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.

    Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.

    Sci-fi loves parallel universes. But could we really be in one? Do parallel universes exist? Do we live in just one of many bubble universes? (Image credit: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images) Parallel universes are no longer just a feature of a good sci-fi story. There are now some…

  • Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities?

    Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities?

    It started in the 1940s, near A-bomb development sites. More recently, something has been stalking nuclear carrier strike groups. Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat? Those are questions being…

  • The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    The Different Planes of Existence in the Universe

    Various configurations of energy are where we need to be to explain the difference between a physical and a nonphysical universe. The energy in the nonphysical universe is much less dense than in a physical universe. So, on a nonphysical plane, you have much more freedom in manipulating energy. This…

  • Witches, Monsters & Fairies in British Folklore

    Witches, Monsters & Fairies in British Folklore

    A collection of articles related to witches, fairies and monsters in british folklore. Here you will find grouped together articles and features about witches, fairies and monsters in British folklore. The Pendle WitchesPerhaps the most notorious witch trial of the 16th Century. In the year 1612 at Lancaster gaol, ten…

  • The Mysterious Tale Of The Green Children Of Woolpit

    The Mysterious Tale Of The Green Children Of Woolpit

    There could be a far sadder story behind the mystery of the green-skinned children of Woolpit. The children were reportedly found with a very nervous disposition, unsurprisingly. Image credit: Randolph Caldecott via Wikimedia Commons (public domain) / IFLScience Unlike the very real, very blue, family of Troublesome Creek, Kentucky, the story of the…

  • The Mysterious Nazca Lines

    The Mysterious Nazca Lines

    The Nazca Lines are a collection of giant geoglyphs—designs or motifs etched into the ground—located in the Peruvian coastal plain about 250 miles (400 kilometers) south of Lima, Peru. Created by the ancient Nazca culture in South America, and depicting various plants, animals, and shapes, the 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines can…

  • Oxford professor believes alien-human hybrid species will save Earth

    Oxford professor believes alien-human hybrid species will save Earth

    The search for signs of intelligent life in the universe may have to skip Oxford University. A spacey professor at the austere British institution claims bug-like aliens walk among us, and says they’re having very close encounters with humans — interbreeding to create a new hybrid species that could one…

  • The Enfield Poltergeist

    The Enfield Poltergeist

    Ghosts tend to be associated with ancient castles and grand mansions – imposing old buildings which are far removed from the kind of place where most of us live.The story of the Enfield poltergeist demonstrates that the paranormal can emerge anywhere however even in semi-detached council houses in north London.…

  • Mystery Monuments of Ancient Egypt

    Mystery Monuments of Ancient Egypt

    For literally thousands of years, the mysterious monuments of Ancient Egypt have haunted the imaginations of the legions of bedazzled foreigners who have come to gaze upon them. In their scope and scale, they seem almost beyond the capabilities of an early human civilisation. It is this intriguing thought that…

  • Werewolves


    Werewolves are wolf like people that exist in mythology and folklore. They are also known as lycanthropes – a human that can transform into a wolf. The idea of werewolves dates all the way back to the ancient Greeks. It was the medieval writer Gervase of Tilbury that associated the…