Author: Roger

  • Quantum Physics Suggests That Death Doesn’t Exist And It Is Probably Just An Illusion

    Quantum Physics Suggests That Death Doesn’t Exist And It Is Probably Just An Illusion

    Man has been curious in what occurs after death since the dawn of time. Of course, there are many conventional responses to this query, but researchers may have just added an endless number of additional hypotheses, just to mix things up. Death is simply a portal to an infinite number…

  • Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price

    Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price

    While many people find the idea of alien visitors as at least something plausible, the notion of extraterrestrial bases right here on Earth providing a permanent presence to these otherworldly beings is quite simply a step too far. The fact is, though, there are many claims and suggestions of just…

  • What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    What Are Shadow People? The Explanation Is Beyond Creepy

    Have you ever been reading or watching TV when suddenly, in the periphery of your vision, you catch glimpse of what appears to be a shadowy figure in the room with you? Dark, humanoid figures like these are commonly known as shadow people, and they can be extremely scary and…

  • Trans-en-Provence Physical Trace Case

    Trans-en-Provence Physical Trace Case

    Date: January 8, 1981Location: Trans-en-Provence, France On the afternoon of January 8, 1981, a strange craft landed on a farm near the village of Trans-en-Provence in the Var region in south-eastern France. Physical traces left on the ground were collected by the Gendarmerie within 24 hours and later analyzed in…

  • The Mysterious UFO Wave of 1978: A Thrilling Journey through Italian Skies

    The Mysterious UFO Wave of 1978: A Thrilling Journey through Italian Skies

    Step back in time to the year 1978, where a series of inexplicable events gripped the Italian skies, captivating the nation and sparking intense public debates. This compelling account will take you on an adventure filled with bizarre encounters, intriguing sightings, and magical beings. From fishermen disappearing without a trace…

  • A Researcher Says the First UFO Really Crashed in Italy in 1933. And He Has Evidence.

    A Researcher Says the First UFO Really Crashed in Italy in 1933. And He Has Evidence.

    Secret documents suggest a suspicious cover-up. Bettmann//Getty Images Is Italy—not Roswell, New Mexico—the actual site of the first UFO crash on Earth? An Italian researcher claims to have proof that backs up recent allegations that a crashed UFO was recovered in Italy in 1933. It adds to a growing interest in Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)…



    This is a substantial catalog of UFO and alien Disclosure files, reports, and documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States of America (U.S.). These are all of the reports found after searching through thousands of files that have any reference to Unidentified Flying Objects, extraterrestrials,…

  • The Disturbing Mysteries Surrounding New Mexico’s Dulce Base

    The Disturbing Mysteries Surrounding New Mexico’s Dulce Base

    For decades, ufologists have claimed that extraterrestrials experiment on humans with the military’s help inside a secret base underneath the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico. The quaint desert hamlet of Dulce, New Mexico has fewer than 3,000 residents — it doesn’t even have a traffic light. But the unassuming…

  • ‘UFO’ more than ‘200 feet long’ over Chile was snapped by a family on their picnic

    ‘UFO’ more than ‘200 feet long’ over Chile was snapped by a family on their picnic

    ‘UFO’ more than ‘200 feet long’ over Chile was snapped by a family on their picnic It’s been more than 10 years since a Chile family captured an alleged ‘UFO’ on film while they were picnicking and experts say they are getting “closer to the truth” in 2023. The latest…

  • Scientist Reports on 10 Years of Research with Mediums

    Scientist Reports on 10 Years of Research with Mediums

    In the epigraph heading up Chapter 1 of a recently released e-book, Among Mediums,  Professor James Hyslop, a dedicated psychologist and psychical researcher of a century ago, is quoted as asking, in effect, why science aimed at discovering man’s origin is considered so honorable while science aimed at determining where man…