What sounds crazier, The Egyptian Pyramids producing wireless energy? Or transporting stone blocks that weigh over 100 tons using wooden rollers… where there are no trees? Can all of this be attributed to Ancient Power Sources?
How advanced are we as a civilization today? With all of our technology and knowledge in different sciences, are we more advanced when compared to ancient humankind? To civilizations like the Egyptians or the Sumerians?
Is it possible that ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians possessed advanced technology that helped them build the pyramids and other unusual structures? Is it possible that ancient mankind had the ability to harness electricity thousands of years ago? All of this and more is possible according to the Ancient Alien theory and archeologists around the world.
If Ancient Civilizations did not possess advanced technology nor Ancient Power Sources, how else would you explain them lifting and transporting huge blocks of stone like The Trilithon at the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon that weighs over 4.5 million pounds? Or The Western Stone in Jerusalem, Israel which weighs 1.2 million pounds and The Ramesseum statue located in Thebes, Egypt which weighs over 2 million pounds?
How could all of this be achieved without electricity? High power machines for transport? Lasers and other high-tech tools for cutting and shaping? Ancient mankind must have had Ancient Power Sources, ancient technology.
All over the world, we can find incredible ancient sites that challenge our very own technology today. From Ollantaytambo, Puma Punku to the Great Pyramid in Egypt, all of those sites are amazing achievements of ancient mankind, the only question is, WHO gave them the technology to complete these projects? What is funny to some people is the fact that there are archeologists that believe that all of this was achieved with slave labor and simple tools.
There are temples all over the world that were built using blocks of stone that range from 50 to 200 tons, there are even heavier blocks than that, so they’re just far too big for people who didn’t have the wheel or the pulley for example, which could have facilitated them to move these blocks from the quarries to their destination, it just doesn’t make sense.
In February of 2012, in the Stone Valley Materials Quarry in Riverside, California a 680,000-pound granite monolith was prepared to travel over 100 miles to become part of an exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. A 1.4 million pound crane and a 44-axel tractor-trailer rig with over 2400 horsepower were needed to move the rock. Building steel girders underneath it was required, 208 tires were placed underneath those steel girders. One power unit was required to pull it and another one to push it, and still, after all, that effort the granite monolith was able to be moved about five miles an hour.
The boulder called “Levitated Mass,” is a gigantic payload by modern construction standards, but it small compared to the gigantic blocks of stone moved by ancient civilizations in the past. It is almost impossible to take the 340-ton rock and move it without modern day technology which still has issues transporting it. How did ancient people move monoliths, some over five times the size of Levitated Mass without the aid of high-powered machines?
Ollantaytambo in Peru is perhaps one of the best examples of the use of high-tech tools in ancient history. The walls of this ancient mountain stronghold seem to talk about what some experts believe to have been thousands of craftsmen, shaping and cutting solid stone with a precision that today could only be matched with high-powered machine tools. Ancient Power Sources perhaps?
Read More – Ancient Power Sources of the Gods: Advanced technology and our ancestors
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