Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price

While many people find the idea of alien visitors as at least something plausible, the notion of extraterrestrial bases right here on Earth providing a permanent presence to these otherworldly beings is quite simply a step too far. The fact is, though, there are many claims and suggestions of just such bases existing on our planet, with many of the world’s mountains housing just some of them. One individual who stated such a thing was Pat Price. However, the fact that he arrived at this information through remote viewing makes some people treat these claims with a certain amount of caution.

Whether of consequence or not, Price would pass away shortly after reporting on his findings. Other remote viewers, though, appeared to corroborate his information with their own remote viewing missions. Indeed, the revelations of Pat Price and the subsequent findings that came from it could quite possibly be some of the most important details offered about the alleged secret workings of our planet on record, as well as confirming the presence of another intelligence on Earth, one from somewhere else in the universe.

Yet More Suggestions Of An Alien-Human Hybridization Program

Without a doubt, one of the most intriguing, and indeed talented remote viewers was the aforementioned Pat Price, and he is a person of interest to people in different fields of interest. One-time CIA director, Stansfield Turner once said of Price that he was “a man who ‘see’ what was going on anywhere in the world through his psychic powers”.

Among the many revelations from Price was his assertion that many mountains around the world were, in fact, housing extraterrestrial bases. [1] And furthermore, these extraterrestrials were humans looking, the result of a long-standing hybridization program.

Many of Price’s claims were documented by Jim Schnabel in his book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies. According to Schnabel’s research, Price claimed that these alien beings looked completely human, at least outwardly. They did, however, have “heart, lungs, blood, and eyes” that were different from humans. Perhaps of more concern, though, was Price’s certainty that these extraterrestrials used “thought-transfer” abilities to maintain a discreet control over humanity.

Further according to Price, many of these human-looking alien beings had “infiltrated all governments in sensitive positions”, as well as being in positions of influence and power in business and other fields. It was, Price would warn, the intention of these alien entities to take over humanity without them realizing such a takeover was happening – essentially, an undetected invasion through the back door. And we should note, although the details differ, other researchers have concluded that the goal of the apparent alien presence on Earth is to achieve just that – a discreet takeover of the planet as part of a hybridization program.

Read More – Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price


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