6 Differences Between Psychic and Medium Readers

According to religious, the ability to get in touch with spirits and entities is something divine that can be developed through study and dedication. Science also seeks to understand the phenomenon, considered innate to all human beings.

medium reading

Have you ever felt like you were being watched, but when you turned to see who it was, no one was there? Did you hear someone say your name without anyone around? Did you have the impression that you felt someone’s presence when you were alone at home? It may be that these situations were nothing, but it may also be that spirits are trying to communicate with you.

At least that’s what mediums believe, people who have developed the ability to connect, in one way or another, with the world of the dead.

According to them, feeling these manifestations from time to time is common, as we all have the ability to establish that contact. Deciding whether or not to work on this seemingly inherent ability in humans is a choice – and the paths do not necessarily need to go through any religion.

Although the subject causes some fear, it is a fact that the subject also arouses a good deal of curiosity. The invisible worlds and their secrets are one of the examples of how the search for information is capable of changing paradigms – and the way life is viewed.

There is a difference between intuition and mediumship. Mediumship is being able to see something more. Premonitory dreams, figures and even perceptions that came as flashes about the problems of close people were, the starting point to seek to deepen the theme.

For some experts, mediumship is defined as “an experience in which an individual claims to be in communication with or under the influence of a deceased person or another non-material being”.

The theme, in fact, is familiar to all of us – since it is present at the base of most religions.

As for examples, Moses and the prophets receiving messages from God and angels, Muhammad receiving messages from the angel Gabriel in the composition of the Koran, the Greek oracles, the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the early Christian communities, as well as among the charismatic and Protestant Catholics Pentecostal.

Under the Lens of Science

For more than a century, researchers have tried to understand what the phenomenon of mediumship is all about. The interest in this type of study, explains the psychiatrist, had its first peak between the 19th and 20th centuries.

In recent years, the theme seems to have surfaced. Mediumistic experiences have been thoroughly investigated by researchers for over 100 years.

There was a great interest in the theme in the transition from the 19th and 20th centuries and, recently, there was a resumption of interest.

Among the main hypotheses are fraud, mental illness, manifestations of the medium’s unconscious, extrasensory perception (telepathy and clairvoyance) and survival of consciousness / personality after bodily death.

While everyone possess these intuitive abilities, but only the psychics ace their skills to an extent that they perceive information, unknown by the ordinary.

Some psychics are born with an innate talent for the supernatural while others practice to develop their psychic abilities.

Read More – 6 Differences Between Psychic and Medium Readers


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