Neil Armstrongsmall step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
The immortal words spoken by Neil Armstrong as he set foot on the surface of the moon in July 1969, or did he?
Ever since this major event was shown on screens all over the world, a growing number of the American population suggested that the resulting images and video footage were faked and filmed at an unknown desolate location of the earth. It has even been suggested that the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission was
completely fabricated.
Before I look into these allegations more closely, I would like to express a personal viewpoint. It is my opinion that the mission to the moon did indeed take place. However, upon return and during the 3 day de-contamination
period, I would suggest that each of the three astronauts were rigorously interrogated as to what they witnessed in relation to UFO / UAP sightings, both during the mission and once on the surface of the moon. The following conversation between Apollo 11and NASA Mission Control that took place still mystifies people to date:
APPOLO 11[Armstrong & Aldrin]: What was it? What the hell was it?
Thats all I want to know. These babies were huge, sir… Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it…
NASA: What…What the hell
s going on?
APOLLO 11: They’re here, under the surface.
NASA: Whats there? Mission control calling Apollo 11.
APOLLO 11: Roger, we
re here, all three of us. But weve found some visitors…They’ve been here for quite a while judging by the installations… I’m telling you there are other spacecrafts out there. They’re lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater edge…They’re on the moon watching us!
It is true to say that the only light source used for the
photographs was the natural light produced by the sun. So called leading photographers analysed the formations of the shadows produced by the astronauts and equipment. So, what could this mean? Let
‘s suppose just for a minute that the photographs were faked.
Were NASA involved in yet another cover-up, and if so, why?
We`re certain, [according to reports] that various sightings were made by the astronauts during their missions, and that they were ordered to remain silent [during the decontamination period back on Earth as suggested].
So, could the videos and images have been created to show just what the global population expected to see?
This is an interesting theory.
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