Although images of crop circles have diminished in recent years, [at least in this country] the subject still remains a phenomenon and continues to divide opinions to this day.

The British media first became aware of this extraordinary phenomenon back in the early 1980s. Farmers began to notice strange markings appearing in their fields. Some were single circles, or groups of circles, others were more complex and precise in design. So began this still unsolved mystery.

The initial thoughts and reactions were that these markings were made by Extra-terrestrial intelligences [ETIs] and possibly depicted landing sights.

As the summers progressed, more incredible sights were discovered in fields of wheat, barley, corn etc. Many of these formations appeared overnight, some in only a couple of hours before dawn.

The UFO theory was soon discredited as self-confessed hoaxers began to come forward.

I remain unconvinced as to their origins.

To this day there are markings and formations which have not been explained. Over the years more formations appeared, many in the West Country, as well as in other countries around the world.

Despite the hoaxers’ admissions, detailed investigations began, and one theory which emerged concentrated on possible rotating air pockets and variable electrical charges could have been responsible. In many cases rotating balls of light were witnessed rotating in fields shortly before formations appeared.

I accept that most of the formations were probably manmade, but not all.

In June 1996 a formation was seen by a pilot while flying over a field near to Stonehenge. 20 minutes prior to his sighting, he had flown over the same area and was certain that there was no formation at that time. This occurred in the early daylight hours.

In the summer 0f 1995, 30 countries reported these amazing and complex formations had appeared. So, is it possible that some extra-terrestrial forces are responsible? If so, are they attempting a form of communication? The reader should make up their own mind!

It should be noted that many of these formations appeared in areas noted for UFO activity

Roger Mallett


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