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Automatic Writing Explained
The so-called skeptics assume that the automatic writing form of mediumship is just so much bunk, baloney, and bosh, nothing more than the imagination playing tricks on the person. Some parapsychologists believe it is all coming from the individual’s subconscious and unrelated to spirits. But so much of what has…
Abuse of Power in a Past Life Yields Poverty and Illness in the Present Life
[] He lay on a bench, with his eyes closed and his mind calm like still water. His consciousness entered a state similar to that of a meditative state in the Buddha School. When given the name of a stranger even more than a thousand miles away, this man, once…
Reincarnation: Some People Being Punished In This Lifetime For Their Persecution Against Christians In Ancient Rome
It’s a great misfortune to have a disability or an incurable disease. While seeing that others are healthy and full of energy, these people can only endure excruciating pain brought about by their illness. People often complain to the heavens for the injustice they seem to suffer. They ask: “Why…